12.) Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest but ducks if after the bullets are over the gun is thrown at him?
13.) I’m sure you’ve heard of the evolutionary claim that mankind has evolved from monkeys. Before I am to believe this, I want to know that if this is so why are monkeys still roaming earth?
14.) If you are sitting by a table and something is accidentally falling off, don’t try and prevent its fall. Why? Every time you try, you will accidentally hit and break something else.
15.) Why did the Japanese pilots who were planning to crash into American ships wear helmets?
16.) Why do people move a vacuum cleaner over a small piece of thread again and again? Why do we pick it up, examine it and then place it back down and move the vacuum cleaner over it to give it a second chance?
17.) How come soap bubbles are always white no matter what the colour of the soap?
18.) Is it winter or summer wherever you are right now? Have you noticed that if it is summer we try and make the house as cold as it would be during winter, and if it is winter, we try and make the house as hot as it would during summer?
19.) Why is it that whenever you walk past a mattress dealership, they have large signs advertising a big price reduction?
20.) Isn’t it silly that when if wandering through one of the large shopping malls someone doesn’t pay attention and the cart they are pushing smacks into your toes, and then they say sorry, all we can think of saying is that no harm was done while your toe is aching.
Above you have run into about twenty or so intriguing incidents on life that I or some friend of mine has come across. Most will be familiar to you. Some might not. But, I hope that each one of them will if not make you at least laugh, bring a smile to your face and to your heart.